Tourné le 7 août 2012 • Skanstull, Stockholm
I've known the band Those Dancing Days for a while and filmed them before.
The drummer Cissi, along with Lisa on the keyboard and Rebecka on the bass, started a new project named Vulnako, in which she is the lead singer, and still plays the drum with the same crazy energy!
So that was quite interesting to film a session of.
We couldn't do it unplugged, so the band brought all their stuff out, close to their rehearsal studio, and we were able borrow some electricity from a bakery shop.
Once we had power, we were ready to make some noise! Their punk energic music brought some attention around us, and that was quite fun to make this mess! so loud that we even got a warning from an old lady living nearby after we finished!


Anciens membres de Those Dancing Days, Cissi Efraimsson à la batterie/chant et Lisa Pyk Wirström au clavier forment un duo punk explosif qui mélange des refrains pop entrainants avec du rock psychédélique.

Leurs paroles touchent des sujets comme la magie, la nature, la solitude, l'amitié, la mort, la spiritualité et la fantaisie créant un mystère et une atmosphère unique. Elles appellent ce genre de musique "punk'n'art spirituelle".