LITTLE MARBLES - Documentaire "Sounds of Stockholm"

Tourné le 21 août 2010 • Mariatorget, Stockholm
Before organising this trip and making my list of bands to film, my good friend Chiara told me, “You should film Little Marbles ! They’re great !” So I checked their music, and instantly felt in love ! They have such a unique style and looks, completly crazy and fun, I love it !!
That was my favorite discovery of this trip.

After filming my first session with Those Dancing Days, I'm meeting with the girls at the hotel Rival where they’re playing a concert the same night for the Grolsch Block Party festival.
We go nearby where it’s more quiet and film a first song under a nice sunset. They’re playing their only english song, which is in fact a cover by Fat Joe, “Make it Rain”.
The second one filmed near the Maria Magdalena church is in swedish, “Jag Hoppar & Trampar På Ditt Hjärta” (I Jump & I stepp on Your Heart).

Little Marbles

Little Marbles est duo indie pop composé de Julia Adams et Linn Tabudlong formé en 2006.
Le groupe a passé beaucoup de temps à trainer et agir comme des artistes de rue avant de commencer à écrire leurs propres chansons.

Elles sortent leur premier album "Vi Accepterar Mitt Kaos" en 2009, suivi en 2010 de "Vi Slutar När Vi Är Klara".
Leur 3e et dernier album "Vi Kan Göra Det Hur Du Vill" sort en 2012.
Julia s'est lancé en solo en 2014.