Tourné le 21 août 2015 • Falun
I've known Francis since the beginnig of I Love Sweden! They are one of the first bands I filmed in 2011. Since then, they toured a lot and made a new album.
It comes out in February, and I had the chance to have a preview last summer, during my last trip in Sweden.
I really wanted to see them again and make new videos for their new album. So I took the train to meet them in their hometown, Falun.

The band had prepared 3 songs, all excellent! We find again their style and guitar sounds dear to their music, and always the same energy of Petra, who is here pregnant of her second child!

I can't wait to listen to the full album, which I'm sure will be one of my favorite album of 2016!



Originaire de Falun en Dalécarlie, Francis est un groupe composé d'amis d'enfance Petra Mases, Jerker Henriksson, Petter Nygårdh Tim Grundtman (jusqu'en 2012) et Paulina Mellkvist.

Ils commencent à jouer ensemble en 2006 et sortent leur 1e album “Lekomberg, We Were Kin” en juin 2011. Leur 2e album "This Must Be Blood" sort en 2012 et après plusieurs tournées ils enregistrent leur 3e album "Marathon" sorti en Février 2016.

Leur musique se décrit comme du rock/folk énergique avec une touche de blues, mené par la voix impressionante de Petra.